Theme Collections

193rd Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders)

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Studio Portrait Photos and Personal Profiles - First World War

  • Photo - One studio portrait photo of a group of six officers from "D" Company, 193rd Battalion, circa 1916-1917.

  • Photo - One studio portrait photo of Charles Frederick Barrett, an enlisted man with the 193rd Battalion, taken in Nova Scotia, 1916.

  • Photos - Two studio portrait photos of Charles Howard Forbes, an enlisted man with the 193rd Battalion, taken in Nova Scotia, 1916.

  • Photo - One studio portrait photo of William Anderson Lauther, an enlsited man with the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916.

  • Photo - One studio portrait photo of John Welsford MacDonald, an officer in the 193rd Battalion, London, England, late 1916.

  • Photo - One studio portrait photo of William Edwin MacDonald, an officer in the 193rd Battalion, England, circa 1917.

  • Photo - One studio portrait photo, with cloth patriotic background, of Wendell Alexander MacHattie, an enlisted man in the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916.

  • Photo Postcard - One studio portrait photo postcard of Nelson McLaughlin, an enlisted man in the 193rd Battalion, 1916.

  • Personal Profile of Verne Butler Millen, an enlisted man who served in the 193rd Battalion, the Canadian Forestry Corps and the 85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders). The profile includes a studio portrait photo of Verne while with the 193rd Battalion, and a few other photos of Verne and his brother Ray.  

  • Photo Postcard - One studio potrait photo postcard of Percy Allison Weatherby, an enlisted man in the 193rd Battalion, spring, 1916.


Miscell. Photos and Postcards - First World War - Canada - 1916

  • Panoramic Photo - One large panoramic photo of the 193rd Battalion, taken at Aldershot, NS, 1916.

  • Panoramic Photo - One large panoramic photo of "A" Company, from the 193rd Battalion, taken at Aldershot, NS, 1916.

  • Panoramic Photo - One large panoramic photo of "C" Company, from the 193rd Battalion, taken at Aldershot, NS, 1916.

  • Panoramic Photo - One large panoramic photo of "D" Company, from the 193rd Battalion, taken at Aldershot, NS, 1916.

  • Panoramic Photo - One large panoramic photo of the 193rd Battalion's Regimental Band at Aldershot, NS, 1916.

  • Panoramic Photo - One large panoramic photo of the 193rd Battalion's Machine Gun Section at Aldershot, 1916.

  • Photo - One photo of a posed group of soldiers from the 193rd Battalion, taken in Nova Scotia in 1916.

  • Photo - One posed group photo of the 193rd Battalion's Regimental Band at Aldershot, NS, 1916.

  • Photo - One photo of an unidentified posed group of 193rd Battalion soldiers, circa 1916.



  • Other Rank Cap Badges - Five examples of other rank cap badges for the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916-1917.

  • Officer Cap Badge - One example of an officer cap badge for the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916-1917. 

  • Other Rank Collar Badges - Three examples of other rank collar badges for the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916-1917.

  • Officer Collar Badges - One example of an officer collar badge for the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916-1917.

  • Shoulder Strap Titles - Four examples of shoulder strap titles for the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916-1917.

  • Pocket Bible - Images of a pocket bible named to Pte. Harold McCulloch of the 193rd Battalion, circa 1916. 







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