Personal Profile Collection


Roderick McKenzie - Section 2

This section contains two photos of a Memorial Cross pertaining to Roderick McKenzie. 

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Memorial Cross For

Leading Stoker Roderick McKenzie

Royal Canadian Naval Reserve

Lost at Sea September 20, 1943

Pictured above is the front of the Memorial Cross that was given to either Roderick's wife or mother.

The Memorial Cross is granted by the Canadian Government as a memento of personal loss and sacrifice in respect of military personnel who lay down their lives for their country.

Normally the Memorial Cross was issued with a full length ribbon so the cross could be worn around the neck. The ribbon was shortened on this example.

For his military service, Roderick was also eligible for the following medals: the 1939-1945 Star, the Atlantic Star, the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp and the War Medal 1939-1945. These would have been given to Roderick's wife Annabelle, after his death.

Ref. Number:  25-2 (2-2.2)
Image Information:  Scan of of original artifact
Source:  Private Collection

Reverse of the Memorial Cross Shown Above

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