Personal Profile Collection


Roderick McKenzie - Section 1

This section contains two war time photos of Roderick McKenzie, circa 1942-1943. 

Click or tap on the photo images below for high resolution, expandable images. Use your back button to return to this page.


Leading Stoker Roderick McKenzie

Royal Canadian Naval Reserve

Circa 1942-1943

The above photo is from the website "Canadian Virtual War Memorial" The website's page pertaining to Roderick McKenzie can be found HERE.

Unfortunately the photo is a low resolution image.

Photographer:  Unknown
Ref. Number:  25-2 (2-1-1.1)
Source:  Website: Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Leading Stoker Roderick McKenzie

Royal Canadian Naval Reserve

Circa 1942-1943

The above photo is from the website "Canadian Virtual War Memorial" The website's page pertaining to Roderick McKenzie can be found HERE.

Unfortunately the photo is a low resolution image.

Photographer:  Unknown
Ref. Number:  25-2 (2-1-2.1)
Source:  Website: Canadian Virtual War Memorial

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