Personal Profile Collection


Joseph Michael Keylor - Section 2

This section contains images of the military medals awarded to Joseph Michael Keylor and the cover from the issue box for some of the medals. 

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Military Medals Awarded to

Sgt. Joseph Michael Keylor

85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders)

In the above photo are the court mounted military medals awarded to Sgt. Joseph Michael Keylor. Left to right:

1. Military Medal - Awarded to Warrent Officers, NCO's and men for individual or associated acts of bravery and devotion under fire on the recommendation of a Commander-in-Chief in the field. The Militray Medal above is inscribed on the rim with "222783 CPL J.M. KEYLOR.  85/CAN. INF."

2. British War Medal - Awarded to all ranks of the Overseas Military Forces of Canada who went overseas from Canada between August 5, 1914 and November 11, 1918 or who served in a theatre of war. The British War Medal above is inscribed on the rim with "222783 SJT. J.M. KEYLOR.  85-CAN. INF."

3. Victory Medal - Awarded to all ranks of the fighting forces, civilians under contract, and others employed with military hospitals, who served in a theatre of war between August 5, 1914 and midnight of November 11/12, 1918. The Victory Medal above is inscribed on the rim with "222783 SJT. J.M. KEYLOR.  85-CAN. INF."

Ref. Number:  0-3 (56-1.1)
Image Information:  Scan of of original artifact
Source:  Private Collection

Cover For Medal Issue Box

Britsh War Medal and Victory Medal

Sgt. Joseph Michael Keylor

85th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders)

In the above photo is the cardboard cover for the box that contained the British War Medal and the Victory Medal when it was issued. Printed on the cover is Joseph Keylor's service number, rank, name and unit. 

Ref. Number:  0-3 (56-2.1)
Image Information:  Scan of of original artifact
Source:  Private Collection

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