This section contains one large panoramic photo of the officers of the Nova Scotia Highland Brigade, taken at Camp Aldershot, NS, 1916.
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Front Row, Sitting on the Ground, Left to Right:
1. Lieut. Henry Charles Verner, 85th Battalion (Bombing Officer), Halifax, NS, born in Main-a-dieu, Cape Breton
2. Lieut. Daniel Mooney, 85th Battalion (Band Master), Stellarton, NS, born in Stellarton
3. Lieut. John McIntosh Millar, 85th Battalion (Works Officer), Amherst, NS, born in Lunenburg, NS
4. Lieut. Glidden Campbell, 85th Battalion (Machine Gun Officer), Weymouth, NS, born in Weymouth
5. Lieut. Charles Harold Snow, 85th Battalion (Signalling Officer), Halifax, NS, born in Halifax
6. Lieut. Edmond Maurice Johnstone, 185th Battalion, "A" Company, Sydney, NS, born in Victoria Mines, Cape Breton
7. Lieut. Arthur Milton Fraser, 185th Battalion, “D” Company, Sydney, NS, born in New Glasgow, NS (Killed in action with the Royal Canadian Regiment on August 26, 1918.)
8. Lieut. James Albert Holland, 185th Battalion (Officer Commanding Machine Gun Section), Aldershot, NS, born in Westville, NS (Killed in action with the 85th Battalion on September 2, 1918)
9. Capt. Ralph MacDougall, 185th Battalion (Paymaster), Whycocomagh, Cape Breton, born in Whycocomagh
10. Lieut. Harold Raymond Theakston, 185th Battalion, "D" Company, Sydney, NS, born in Vermont, USA
11. Lieut. Donald Joseph MacGillivray, 193rd Battalion, "A" Company, Antigonish, NS, born in New Westminister, BC
12. Lieut. Thomas Edgar Logan, 193rd Battalion, "D" Company, Aldershot, NS, born in Elmsdale, NS (Killed in a plane crash on November 22, 1918)
13. Lieut. William Edwin MacDonald, 193rd Battalion, "D" Company, Aldershot, NS, born in Stellarton, NS
14. Capt. Joseph Freeman Tupper, 193rd Battalion (Chaplain), Westville, NS, born in Port Medway, NS
15. Lieut. Victor Guest Rae, 219th Battalion, “A” Company, Kentville, NS, born in Glasgow, Scotland
16. Lieut. Basil Burke Currie, 219th Battalion, "C" Company, Aldershot, NS, born in Halifax, NS
17. Lieut. Nathan Lewis Chipman, 219th Battalion, "C" Company, Yarmouth, NS, born in Yarmouth (Killed in action with the 85th Battalion on June 16, 1917)
18. Lieut. Wishart McLea Robertson, 219th Battalion, "B" Company, Barrington Passage, NS, born in Barrington Passage
19. Lieut. William Josiah Wright, 219th Battalion, "C" Company, Bear River, NS, born in Bear River
20. Lieut. Alfred Douglas Borden, 219th Battalion, "D" Company, Wolfville, NS, born in Wolfville
Second Row, Seated, Left to Right:
1. Capt. William Thorley Suckling, 85th Battalion (Chaplain), Joggins Mines, NS, born in Truro, NS
2. Major Frederick Warren Miller, 85th Battalion (Company Commander), Halifax, NS, born in Canning, NS
3. Capt. James Layton Ralston, 85th Battalion (Adjutant), Halifax, NS, born in Amherst, NS
4. Major James Michael Gillies, 85th Battalion (Second in Command), Sydney, NS, born in Sydney
5. Lt-Col. Joseph Hayes 85th Battalion (Medical Officer), Halifax, NS, born in England
6. Major John Angus MacKenzie, 85th Battalion, (Company Commander), Halifax, NS, born in Gairlock, Pictou County, NS
7. Capt. Ronald MacDonald, 85th Battalion (Chaplain), Halifax, NS, born in Knoydart, Antigonish County, NS
8. Capt. Angus Lewis MacDonald, 185th Battalion (Second in Command "A" Company), Port Hood, Inverness County, Cape Breton, born in Dunvegan, Inverness County, Cape Breton
9. Capt. James William Maddin, 185th Battalion (Officer Commanding "D" Company), Sydney, NS, born in Westville, NS
10. Capt. Angus John McInnis, 185th Battalion (Second in Command "B" Company), Glace Bay, NS, born in Grand Mira, Cape Breton
11. Capt. William Wallace Nicholson, 185th Battalion (Officer Commanding "C" Company), South Side Baddeck, Victoria County, Cape Breton, born in Middle River, Victoria County, Cape Breton
12. Capt. Alexander MacDonald, 185th Battalion (Second in Command "C" Company), West Bay, Inverness County, Cape Breton, born in West Bay
13. Major John George Johnstone, 185th Battalion (Second in Command), Halifax, NS, born in Halifax
14. Lt-Col. Earle Caleb Phinney, 85th Battalion (Officer Commanding), Halifax, NS, born in Lawrencetown, Annapolis County, NS
15. Lt-Col. Frank Parker Day, 185th Battalion (Officer Commanding), Halifax, NS, born in Shubenacadie, NS
16. Lt-Col Allison Hart Borden, Nova Scotia Highland Brigade (Officer Commanding), Halifax, NS, born in Guysboro, NS
17. Lt-Col. William H. Muirhead, 219th Battalion, (Officer Commanding)
18. Major Robert John Spinluff Langford, 193rd Battalion (Second in Command), Camp Aldershot, NS, born in India
19. Major Adam Thomas McLean, 193rd Battalion (Officer Commanding "A" Company), Truro, NS, born in McLean’s, NB
20. Capt. James Trueman Chapman, 193rd Battalion (Officer Commanding "B" Company)
21. Capt. John Welsford MacDonald, 193rd Battalion (Officer Commanding "D" Company), Pictou, NS, born in Pictou
22. Capt. Frederick Cecil Baird, 193rd Battalion (Quartermaster), Truro, NS, born in Debert, NS
23. Major Murray Eaton Roscoe, 219th Battalion (Second in Command), Halifax, NS, born in Kentville, NS
24. (?)
25. Capt. Clarence MacKinnon, 219th Battalion (Chaplain), Halifax, NS, born in Hopewell, Pictou County, NS
26. (?)
27. Capt. John Alexander Rudland, 219th Battalion (Officer Commanding "A" Company), Halifax, NS, born in Halifax
28. Capt. Henry Read Emmerson, 219th Battalion (Officer Commanding "D" Company), Dorchester, NB, born in Dorchester
29. Capt. Lewis Piers Churchill, 219th Battalion (Medical Officer), Dartmouth, NS, born in Lockeport, Shelburne County, NS
30. Capt. Hugh McDonald Henry, 219th Battalion (Paymaster), Halifax, NS, born in Halifax
31. (?)
Third Row, Standing, Left to Right:
1. Lieut. Hugh Allison Crawley, 85th Battalion, "C" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Wolfville, NS
2. Capt. Allan Thomas MacDonald, 85th Battalion (Second in Command "A" Company)
3. Lieut. Robert Inglis Donaldson, 85th Battalion, "A" Company, Nappan Station, NS, born in Scotland
4. Lieut. Ralph Richmond Layte, 85th Battalion (Second in Command "D" Company), Paradise, Annapolis County, NS, born in Boston, Mass.
5. Lieut. Graham Ross Parsons, 85th Battalion, "C" Company, Wolfville, NS, born in Aylesford, NS
6. Lieut. Walter Trueman Ruggles, 85th Battalion, "B" Company, Middleton, NS, born in Londonderry, NS (Died of Wounds February 4, 1919)
7. Lieut. Leslie George McCorison, 185th Battalion, ("C" Company), Nyanza, Victoria County, Cape Breton, born in Belfast, Maine, USA
8. Lieut. Joseph Hartley McIvor, 185th Battalion, "B" Company, Baddeck Bridge, NS, born in Baddeck Bridge (Died of Wounds on August 10, 1918 while serving with the 25th Battalion (Nova Scotia Rifles))
9. Lieut. Donald Neil McDonald, 185th Battalion, "C" Company, Middle River, Victoria County, Cape Breton, born in Middle River
10. Lieut. John David MacKenzie, 185th Battalion, "A" Company, born in Baddeck, NS (Died of Wounds on September 2, 1918 while serving with the 85th Battalion)
11. Capt. John Thomas Malone, 185th Battalion (Quartermaster), Halifax, NS, born in Cork, Ireland (Died of pneumonia in England on December 9, 1916)
12. Capt. John Alexander Munro, 185th Battalion (Medical Officer), Aldershot, NS, born in Truro, NS
13. Capt. Michael Gillis, 185th Battalion (Roman Catholic Chaplain), Soldiers Cove, Richmond County, Cape Breton, born in Soldiers Cove
14. Capt. James Campbell Martin, 85th Battalion (Chaplain), Kinross, PEI, born in Cardigan, PEI
15. Lieut. Clement Holland, 85th Battalion (Transport Officer), Sydney, NS, born in Bath, England
16. Lieut. Harry Findlay Ormon, 193rd Battalion, “A” Company, Halifax, NS, born in Halifax
17. Capt. Edwin David McLean, 193rd Battalion (Medical Officer), Truro, NS, born in Shubenacadie, NS
18. Lieut. John Owen MacLeod, 193rd Battalion, "D" Company, born in Six Mile Brook, Pictou County, NS (Killed in Action at Scarpe on September 2, 1918, while serving with the 85th Battalion)
19. Lieut. Robert Knowlton Smith, 193rd Battalion, "B" Company, Amherst, NS, born in Amherst
20. Lieut. Henry Bigelow Potter, 193rd Battalion, "C" Company, Springhill, NS, born in Springhill
21. Lieut. John Herbert Belyea, 219th Battalion, “B” Company, Saint John, NB, born in Saint John
22. Lieut. Michael Ryan, 219th Battalion (Bandmaster), Halifax, NS, born in Quebec
23. Lieut. Percy Thorne Andrews, 193rd Battalion, "A" Company, Bathurst, NB, born in Middleton, NS
24. Lieut. Angus Donald MacDonald, 219th Battalion, "A" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Antigonish, NS (Killed in Action at Passchendaele on October 30, 1917 while serving with the 85th Battalion)
25. Lieut. Edward Reginald Clayton, 219th Battalion, "A" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Halifax (Killed in Action at Passchendaele on October 30, 1917 while serving with the 85th Battalion)
26. Lieut. Wishart McLea Robertson, 219th Battalion, "B" Company, Barrington Passage, NS, born in Barrington Passage
27. Lieut. Roderick Douglas Graham, 219th Battalion, "A" Company, Halifax, NS, born in New Glasgow, NS
28. Capt. Harry Arnold Kent, 219th Battalion (Company Commander "C" Company), Halifax, NS, born in Truro, NS
Fourth Row, Standing, Left to Right:
1. Capt. William Trueman Wood, 85th Battalion, Sackville, NB, born in Sackville, NB
2. Lieut. Henry McLaren Wylie, 85th Battalion, "D" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Dundas, ON
3. Lieut. Archibald Francis MacKay, 85th Battalion, "A" Company, Truro, NS, born in Truro, NS
4. Lieut. Thomas Malcolm McLean, 85th Battalion, "B" Company, Bridgewater, NS, born in Bridgewater, NS (Died of Wounds on August 10, 1918 while serving with the 85th Battalion)
5. Lieut. James Francis Eric Forbes, 85th Battalion, "B" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Halifax
6. Lieut. Percival William Anderson, 85th Battalion, "D" Company, born in Bid Baddeck, Victoria County, Cape Breton (Killed in Action at Passchendaele on October 30, 1917 while serving with the 85th Battalion)
7. Lieut. Harold Newton Price, 185th Battalion, "A" Company, Moncton, NB, born in Moncton, NB
8. Lieut. Clement MacLeod, 185th Battalion, "B" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Mabou, Inverness County, Cape Breton
9. Lieut. John Alexander MacKinnon, 185th Battalion, "B" Company, Beaver Cove, Cape Breton, born in Beaver Cove
10. (?)
11. Lieut. Douglas Morgan Wiswell, 185th Battalion, "D" Company, Halifax, NS, born in Halifax, NS
12. (?)
13. Lieut. Charles Atkinson Good, 193rd Battalion, "A" Company, Truro, NS, born in Dublin, Ireland
14. Lieut. John James Murray, 193rd Battalion, "D" Company, Rocklin, Pictou County, NS, born in Rocklin
15. Lieut. Harold Charles Lowther, 193rd Battalion, "B" Company, born in Oxford, NS
16. Lieut. Roy Gillespie McKay, 193rd Battalion, "B" Company, Amherst, NS, born in St. George, NB
17. Lieut. George James McQuarrie, 193rd Battalion, "D" Company, New Glasgow, NS, born in Rockport, Mass.
18. Lieut. John Allister Ross, 193rd Battalion, "C" Company, Truro, NS, born in Truro
19. Lieut. Cecil Jeffries Markham, 193rd Battalion, "C" Company, Saint John, NB, born in Markhamville, NB
20. Lieut. John Ratcliffe McFarlane, 219th Battalion, "D" Company, Toronto, ON, born in Toronto (Killed in Action at Passchendaele on October 30, 1917 while serving with the 85th Battalion)
21. (?)
22. (?)
23. Lieut. Harry Allan Love, 219th Battalion (Signalling Officer), Dartmouth, NS, born in Lunenburg, NS
24. Lieut. Lloyd Welsford Black, 219th Battalion (Machine Gun Officer), Amherst, NS, born in Amherst
Please note that the place names immediately following the mens' names are home addresses at the time of enlistment. Their places of birth are also indicated. Military ranks are ranks at the time the photo was taken.
Thanks to Terry McCully for editing the photo and providing names to faces by painstakingly comparing known photos of the Nova Scotia Highland Brigade officers to the officers in the photo above.
Photographer: W.G. MacLaughlan, Halifax, NS
Ref. Number: 0-4 (11-2-1.7)
Image Information: Scan of original photo
Source: Robert MacLellan Collection