Theme Collections


North Nova Scotia Highlanders


Miscell. Photos and Postcards - Second World War - Canada - 1939-1941


Photo Postcard

This section contains one photo postcard of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders marching on a street in Amherst, NS, May 12, 1941.

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Last Parade

North Nova Scotia Highlanders

Amherst, NS

May 12, 1941

The North Nova Scotia Highlanders, led by the pipe band, march down a street in Amherst for the last time. The battalion relocated to Debert, NS, the following day, where they linked up with other units from the 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade, prior to sailing for England in July.

Photographer:  Unknown
Ref. Number:  0-4 (6-2.3)
Image Information:  Scan of original photo postcard
Source:  Robert MacLellan Collection

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