Theme Collections


246th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders) CEF


Miscellaneous Photos and Postcards - First World War


Panoramic Photo

This section contains one panoramic photo of the final overseas draft of the 246th Battalion, Camp Aldershot, NS, circa 1916-1917.

Click or tap on the image below for a high resolution, expandable image. Use you back button to return to this page.


Final Draft

246th Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders) CEF

Camp Aldershot, NS

Circa 1916-1917

The 246th Battalion sent two drafts overseas, One in March, 1917 and one in June, 1917.

Note the dog in the front centre of the photo.

Photographer:  MacLaughlan, Halifax, NS
Ref. Number:  0-4 (19-1-1-1.3)
Image Information:  Scan of original photo
Source:  Robert MacLellan Collection

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